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Website Copy and Social Media Development (CocoaVia)

There are a ton of health supplements out there. Some work, some don't. Some totally mess up your body.

But CocoaVia, a supplement from Mars (yes, the candy maker), had the studies, data and results to back its claims of improving healthy circulation. You know those studies that say eating a bit of dark chocolate every day is good for you? CocoaVia's science has similar roots, but instead of waiting until the cocoa is turned into chocolate (which squeezes out the nutrients), CocoaVia gets its power from cocoa flavanols found directly within the cacao pods.

Through Infuz, a St. Louis agency, I was commissioned to write new copy for the website and e-store we were developing as well as edit some copy that CocoaVia already had. My sliders, product descriptions, infographics and science explainers had to comply with FDA regulations, too.

I also developed copy for social media ads and posts, including for a contest that laddered up to trade show appearances and generated leads. The brand, which is targeted mostly to health-conscious women who are (or aspire to be) fit and active as well as to those who are interested in aging gracefully, became popular with its audience and inspired women to share their own health journeys.


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